Bachelor of Science
Applied 健康科学, B.S.


If you hold an AAS degree in a health-related field, our applied health sciences major gives you an affordable, convenient path to a bachelor’s degree and beyond. You can transfer up to 65 credits from an accredited community college, 在大约两年内完成韦德体育app官网的应用健康科学学位. 一个应用健康理学学士学位比AAS更能让你胜任更好的工作, with higher pay and more opportunities for promotion. 应用健康科学专业也可以推动你继续研究生学习, 医学院, physician’s assistant school, or another professional degree program. 我们设计了我们的应用健康科学学位的学生与牙科辅助的AAS学位, Health Information Technology, 医疗助理, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, 物理治疗 Assistant, Respiratory Therapy, or Surgical Technology. If your AAS major is not listed here, 你可以向跨学科健康科学系的系主任寻求注册许可.

If you hold an AAS degree in a health-related field, our applied health sciences major gives you an affordable, convenient path to a bachelor’s degree and beyond. You can transfer up to 65 credits from an accredited community college, 在大约两年内完成韦德体育app官网的应用健康科学学位. 一个应用健康理学学士学位比AAS更能让你胜任更好的工作, with higher pay and more opportunities for promotion. 应用健康科学专业也可以推动你继续研究生学习, 医学院, physician’s assistant school, or another professional degree program. 我们设计了我们的应用健康科学学位的学生与牙科辅助的AAS学位, Health Information Technology, 医疗助理, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Pharmacy Technician, 物理治疗 Assistant, Respiratory Therapy, or Surgical Technology. If your AAS major is not listed here, 你可以向跨学科健康科学系的系主任寻求注册许可.

Applied 健康科学 Degree: The 韦德体育app官网 Advantage

我们的应用健康科学学位将大型大学的先进资源与小型机构的个性化关注和一对一支持相结合. You’ll work in state-of-the-art facilities and labs, enjoy undergraduate research opportunities, and have access to specialized technology and faculty.

Our applied health sciences degree also provides you with:

  • Broad career opportunities. 应用健康科学学位为您在医疗保健行业的各种专业利基做好准备. 许多应用健康科学专业的学生进入卫生保健管理和行政. Others become front-line care providers, 技术人员, community health specialists, or other types of health care professionals.
  • Professional connections. 韦德体育app官网的许多学术部门都与校外的医疗保健组织建立了积极的伙伴关系. 作为一名应用健康科学专业的学生,你可以利用这些关系来安排实习, 场配售, 研究项目, and other professional development opportunities.
  • Academic flexibility. Our applied health sciences major includes many options and electives, 所以你可以根据自己的优势和职业目标来个性化学位. 你将在两个学术方向(医疗保健领导或健康促进)中选择一个。, 然后与你的学术顾问密切合作,计划一个符合你的教育和职业目标的课程顺序.
  • 细心的老师. 在韦德体育app官网,你会从经验丰富的老师那里学习,他们专注于学生的成功. 我们几乎所有的应用健康科学课程都是由经验丰富的教师(不是兼职教授或研究生)教授的。, 我们的小班授课可以让你直接与教授互动,获得学术支持和专业指导.
  • Well-rounded skill set. 今天的健康行业雇主寻求的专业人士谁拥有更多的健康科学专业知识. 我们的应用健康科学学位装备你多才多艺的技能,如优秀的写作, strong communication, 数据流畅, and cultural adaptability. 所有这些特质都能帮助你在就业市场和研究生申请者中脱颖而出.

What can you do with an applied health sciences degree?

Applied 健康科学 Careers

美国.S. 美国劳工统计局(Bureau of Labor Statistics)预计,在未来十年,医疗保健行业的就业增长将超过200万个新工作岗位. 我们的应用健康科学学位给你追求几乎任何健康科学的职业利基的能力. Whether you seek employment immediately after graduation, or continue your studies in a graduate program or professional school, the applied health sciences degree equips you for career success.

韦德体育app官网的毕业生在医疗保健行业的各个领域工作. 应用健康科学专业的一些最常见的目标包括:

  • Health care project management
  • Health services case management
  • 健康信息
  • Respiratory therapy
  • Surgical technology
  • Health care data analysis
  • 公共卫生
  • 医学
  • 护理
  • Hospital management
  • Insurance administration

Applied 健康科学 Degree: What You’ll Study

应用健康科学学位的学术要求因学生而异. The program includes broad flexibility, 使您的课程选择与您的专业目标保持一致. 我们建议您与学术顾问密切合作,制定符合您需求的计划.

To transfer in as an applied health sciences major, you need to hold an AAS degree in one of these disciplines:

  • 牙科协助
  • 健康信息 technology
  • 医疗助理
  • Occupational therapy assistant
  • Pharmacy technician
  • Physical therapy assistant
  • Respiratory therapy
  • Surgical technology

If your AAS major isn’t listed above, 你可以向跨学科健康系主任寻求注册许可.


  • 病人护理
  • 医院安全
  • Personal and occupational health
  • Community and public health
  • Health care law and values
  • Statistical concepts

额外的课程是高度灵活的,取决于你的学术和职业目标. 请查阅韦德体育app官网的选修课和课程选择列表.

Current Applied 健康科学 Internships