

韦德体育app官网’s graduate certificate in oncology rehabilitation enables health professionals to improve cancer patients’ quality of life


图片来源:Robert Hall





Rehabilitation to counteract the negative effects of cancer treatment can be life-changing, but only 5-10% of the 32 million survivors worldwide receive this necessary therapy. Oncology rehabilitation is dedicated to helping cancer survivors return to as close to their previous functional ability and quality of life as possible - a concept often referred to as a patient’s “new normal.” 

这个快速发展, 然而经常被忽视, 跨学科领域至关重要, making the education of health professionals a matter of great importance. 韦德体育app官网独一无二 肿瘤康复学研究生证书 provides advanced training to a broad range of rehabilitation clinicians looking to specialize in this impactful field.

“The graduate certificate in oncology rehabilitation is a world-class program led by globally known experts in the field,博士说。. Lori Boright, program coordinator and assistant professor of physical therapy at OU. “We provide advanced theoretical and psychomotor training to equip the global clinical workforce for this growing population of patients with the overarching objective of improving survivorship for all who are living with, 已经被诊断出癌症或已经被诊断出癌症.”

迪娜·诺曼 is a physical therapist managing her own outpatient rehabilitation center in Beirut, 黎巴嫩. When Barakat started treating cancer patients - the first one being her aunt - she realized that additional training specific to this population would be beneficial. 在世界物理治疗会议上发现了OU的GCOR, Barakat took advantage of the opportunity and completed the program in 2023. The certificate improved her understanding of different types of cancer and connected her with colleagues from around the world.

With oncology rehabilitation not yet well-understood among Lebanese physicians and therapists, 巴拉卡特认为,这一独特领域的教育至关重要. “It is important to get a specialized education to serve the growing population of cancer patients and survivors,巴拉卡特补充道.

Barakat's clinical practice currently specializes in cancer rehabilitation, 尤其是淋巴水肿和乳腺癌. She is a certified lymphedema therapist (CLT-LANA) and holds a Doctor of Physical Therapy, 骨病硕士和公共卫生硕士.

“The enriching certificate provides the necessary foundation to improve clinical practice in oncology rehabilitation,巴拉卡特说. She appreciates the GCOR’s fully-online format that allows for a work/education/life balance, 优秀的师资和人脉, 还有巨大的学术支持.

罗恩·本博,注册临床运动生理学家 Ph.D. 在人体运动科学中 公开大学学生, became connected with cancer-related initiatives in high school when multiple family members faced formidable cancer struggles. Benbow’s involvement has evolved from passive support to active engagement, 他最近的努力是完成对外开放大学的GCOR.

本葆发现它对锻炼很重要, movement and allied health professionals to specialize in this field in order to become esteemed members of multidisciplinary medical teams who collaboratively strive to improve cancer survivors’ quality of life.

不再是项目协调员, 团体运动指导老师, 私人教练等等, 本葆在健康和健身方面有着丰富的经验. He currently works at Henry Ford Health Medical Group - Preventative Cardiology as a Clinical Exercise Physiologist, Health Coach and Clinical 研究 Coordinator; in this position, 他从事心脏康复, leads exercise appointments with cancer patients and supports the Sports Medicine department.

已经是两届公开大学毕业生了, Benbow chose Oakland once again because the GCOR enables global connections between diverse professionals and empowers the exploration of innovative research. “The certificate offers exercise and movement scientists a wealth of opportunities for professional development,本博补充道, “使我们能够在这个群体中产生积极的影响.”

斯蒂芬妮Lockingen is a physical therapist and Certified Lymphedema Therapist (CLT) in Salt Lake City, 犹他州. 因为有几个家庭成员面临癌症, 洛克金开始致力于改善幸存者的生活. She took advantage of OU’s GCOR in order to expand her knowledge of cancer treatment and skills for treating oncologic conditions.

While many therapists specialize in treating specific conditions such as post-stroke, 脑损伤和神经系统疾病, the population that needs oncology rehabilitation is often underserved - a narrative that Lockingen is passionate about changing. “Their physical function and lives are improved with these interventions,洛克金强调说, “but there doesn’t seem to be much rehabilitation to help them return to their same functional status and quality of life.”

有23年的从业经验, Lockingen’s experience includes founding her own lymphedema clinic and maintaining involvement in many cancer committees, 董事会和小组. She is currently working to further establish connections with physicians and create a full oncology rehabilitation program in the health system for which she works.

Lockingen appreciates how the GCOR increased her knowledge of types of cancers, medically-based interventions and safe therapeutic interventions that can be used to treat this specific population. 

要了解更多关于奥克兰肿瘤康复计划的信息,请访问 健康科学学院网站.
