

罗伯特J. Lucas Surgical Society symposium aims to promote interest in specialty


第八届罗伯特J. 卢卡斯外科学会研究研讨会. 从左, 布兰登Snel, M2, 中密歇根大学医学院; Noopur Ranganathan, M2, OUWB; Anne Sophie Heukwa, M2; OUWB; 默罕默德·伊德里斯, M3, OUWB; Catherine Barkach, M3, OUWB; Madeleine DeClercq, M3, OUWB; 雷切尔·布莱斯德尔, M4; and Wing Lee Cheung, M1, 中密歇根大学医学院. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


默罕默德·伊德里斯, M3, OUWB,在研讨会上发言. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)

An image of 卡伦伍德利 welcoming everyone to the symposium

卡伦伍德利, M2, 是RJLSS的总裁, welcomes attendees to the symposium. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)



铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


罗伯特·J. Lucas Surgical Society recently held its annual surgical symposium, giving students an opportunity to present research 和网络 with students and physicians alike.

第八届罗伯特J. 卢卡斯外科学会研究研讨会 took place on March 14.

Eight medical students from 韦德体育app官网 William Beaumont School of Medicine and 中密歇根大学医学院 presented research in the auditorium at 威廉博蒙特大学附属医院 in 皇家橡树. Presentations were judged and scored by a panel of surgeons from the hospital.

这次活动是由罗伯特J. Lucas Surgical Society (RJLSS) — an OUWB student organization that aims to provide students with exposure to the surgical field through guest speakers, 指导, 和事件.

卡伦伍德利, M2, 是RJLSS的总裁, said there are two primary benefits for participating students.

“一个, it’s a good opportunity to practice in a smaller setting as opposed to a big national conference,他说. “两个, it helps foster an appreciation for the community of surgeons at (威廉博蒙特大学附属医院).”


RJLSS was previously known as the “Surgical Society” until about seven years ago. The student organization was renamed after the late 罗伯特J. 卢卡斯,米.D., 长期担任普通外科主任, 外科住院医师项目主任, chief of surgical services and medical director of Beaumont Hospital, 皇家橡树. 他于1999年退休.

The annual surgical symposium hosted by RJLSS has become an OUWB signature event.

马克·弗里克,m.s.D., 外科服务主席, 威廉博蒙特大学附属医院, 同时也是牛津大学医学院外科主任, 他说他希望这次活动能鼓舞人心.

“These are first- and second-year medical students who have already engaged in research that indicates they are interested in careers in surgery,他说. “We hope that an event like this sparks and accelerates that interest.”

He said the best way to measure the success of the program is by how people respond.

“The enthusiasm of the people who have done the research and present is the best way to justify the event and gauge the level of success,他说.

博士的照片. 马克·弗里克致开幕词

马克·弗里克,m.s.D., chair, Department of Surgery, talks about the late 罗伯特J. 卢卡斯和他对其他外科医生的影响. (摄影:Andrew Dietderich)


布兰登Snel, M2, 中密歇根大学医学院, presented “DAn Explanation for Unexplained Hematuria — the Retroaortic Left Renal Vein — a Case Report.”

Snel said he wanted to present his work to spread awareness, 同时也要利用这个机会建立关系网.

“The audience was at the same level we were at so we didn’t have to worry much because we should generally know where they are at in their education,他说. “我们可以更深入一点.”

雷切尔·布莱斯德尔, M4, OUWB, presented “A Retrospective Review of Cosmetic Surgery Medical Tourism Complications During COVID-19 Pandemic.”

“(The symposium) is a good opportunity for students to come out and share their research, 支持其他学生, 和网络,”她说。.


“I don’t have to win, but if somebody knows my name after this, then I did my job,”她说。.

默罕默德·伊德里斯, M3, OUWB, presented “Does the Use of Intraoperative Neuromonitoring During Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgeries Reduce the Incidence of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Iatrogenic Injuries: A Meta-Analysis.”

“This was a great experience for me because its my first time giving an oral presentation like this,他说. “在这里认识更多的人也很好.”

At the end of the event, the panel of surgeons awarded two first place winners – both OUWB students.

他们就是凯瑟琳·巴克奇, M3, OUWB, for “Incidence of Symptomatic Upper Extremity Deep Vein Thrombosis in Adults in Relation to Venous Catheter Insertion Site of Subcutaneous Port: A Retrospective Review; and Anne Sophie Heukwa, M2, OUWB, for “MRI-Guided Later Interstitial Thermal Therapy for Complete Corpus Callosotomy in Pediatric Patients: Single Institution Outcomes.”

"I was just very excited to share my very first research project with everyone," said Heukwa. "I was in slight disbelief when I heard my name as one of the winners of the night. It gave me an extra boost of confidence that I am in the right path towards my career goal."

默罕默德·伊德里斯, M3, OUWB, was named the second place winner for "Does the Use of Intraoperative Neuromonitoring During Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgeries Reduce the Incidence of Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Iatrogenic Injuries: A Meta-Analysis."
