Student Success

‘My proudest achievement’


An image of Frosilda Pushani

Student Success

icon of a calendarOct. 7, 2022

icon of a pencilBy Andrew Dietderich

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每个人在上医学院的路上都有一段独特的旅程, 但你很难找到很多人在国家电视台上表现出来,比如OUWB的学生Frosilda Pushani.


2020年,普什尼出现在当时的总统候选人迈克尔·布隆伯格(Michael Bloomberg)的全国广告中. Specifically, 她谈到了彭博社支持的一个帮助优秀学生申请大学的项目的好处, find scholarships, and more.

她强调了这个项目是如何使她有可能进入密歇根大学(University of Michigan)读本科的,以及她有朝一日能进入医学院的愿景.

“Just seeing (my parents) smile at my white coat ceremony, that’s all I want to see,” Pushani said in the 2020 commercial, appearing to tear up a bit.

On Aug. 1, 2022, that happened on the campus of Oakland University.

“当我把我说这句话的两个片段放在一起,然后真的穿上了我的白大褂……这感觉太超现实了。,” she says. “我一整天都在努力忍住眼泪……感觉太好了.”

‘My end goal would be in medicine’

Pushani is Albanian and was born and raised in Greece. Her family moved to metro Detroit when she was 7 years old.

It forced her to grow up fast.

“I was 7, 8岁的时候,我一直在电话上做翻译,和父母一起去看医生,为他们翻译,当时我还不知道这些术语是什么,我自己也还在学习,” she says. “它确实迫使我比我希望的要早一点长大, 但正是因为这样,我才成为了今天的我,我为此感到非常自豪.”

She attended Sterling Heights High School, 并参加了马科姆数学科学技术中心的加速学习项目, where she was named valedictorian for class.

Post-high school, Pushani earned a bachelor’s degree in biology, health, and society (BHS) from University of Michigan. She took a gap year before starting at OUWB.

“我是那些幸运的学生之一,在我很小的时候就知道我的最终目标是医学,” she says.

普什尼说,她对医学感兴趣的一个重要原因是看到了美国和印度在医疗保健方面的差异.S. and other countries.

Specifically, she says, 普什尼亲眼目睹了她的母亲在生第二个女儿(普什尼的妹妹)时的挣扎。.

“她几乎死于并发症,因为医生没有善待她,没有给她必要的照顾,” says Pushani.

Pushani’s second sister was born in America. 据Pushani说,这是一种完全不同的经历.

“就像妇产科医生对待我们家的方式,并提供了所有这些资源,”她说. “她是如此富有同情心和善良,这让我看到了医学的真谛.”



‘Not very into politics’

普什尼说,在她上高中的时候,她收到了一封来自公司代表的电子邮件 CollegePoint.

CollegePoint is a Bloomberg Philanthropies-backed, nonprofit, 帮助优秀学生申请大学的虚拟咨询项目, find scholarships, navigate the financial aid process, and more.

Pushani says she took a chance on responding.

“我总是倾向于获得新的机会和资源, so I signed up and really became involved with my mentor,” says Pushani. “She submitted me as a nominee for a big scholarship.”

Through CollegePoint, Pushani received a full scholarship to University of Michigan.

Per scholarship requirements, 普什尼必须以导师的身份为他人提供帮助. 作为一个认为社区服务很重要的人,普什尼说她完全接受了这个角色.

“我和来自阿尔巴尼亚社区的学生一起工作, a lot of immigrants, and a lot of other people who are disadvantaged,” she says.

她对服务的承诺引起了布隆伯格竞选团队的注意, 邀请她在大三时出演总统竞选广告.

“I said I would love to do it,” she says. “I’m a huge proponent for higher education, 特别是对于那些没有办法到达那里的人.”

‘It felt really good’

这则广告时长两分钟,简要介绍了普什尼的故事, 事实上,有很多像她一样需要帮助支付大学费用的人, and, of course, plugs Bloomberg’s efforts to help such students.

She also mentions her own goals.


普什尼说,在安娜堡周围有摄像头跟着她有点“尴尬”, especially since she considers herself “very shy.”

When the commercial started airing, Pushani says “it was nuts,” including the fact that it made headlines in Albania.

It was all worth it, she says.

“I’m not very into politics, 但说到推广平台,我对医疗质量很感兴趣, health equity, and education, then I’m all for it,” she says. “It felt really good to be doing that and be part of that.”


“I had my options, which I’m super grateful for, but in the end, 我在欧博大学感觉很舒服,就像我的第二个家,” she says. “他们真的很强调社区,我可以看出这不仅仅是说说而已.”



“我的父母哭了一整天……他们太骄傲了,”普什尼说. “这感觉很好,因为他们的牺牲是值得的……他们想让我接受他们没有接受过的高等教育,这感觉很有意义。.”

“I think it’s going to be my proudest achievement.”

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