

Six OUWB medical students recognized for ‘demonstration of excellence’ during 2021-22


(上一排):杰西卡·卡明斯、麦肯齐·施密特和蒂凡尼·陆. (下一排):利亚·罗滕巴克、艾琳·米勒和阿曼达·巴尚.


日历图标10月. 7, 2022

铅笔的图标作者:Andrew Dietderich


A group of six medical students at 韦德体育app官网 William Beaumont School of Medicine recently were named “outstanding” for the 2021-22 school year.

The distinction is awarded annually to three rising M2 and three rising M3 students.

The students who are now M2s to receive the recognition were Amanda Bachand, 杰西卡·卡明斯, 艾琳·穆勒.

现在被评为“优秀”的学生是Tiffany Loh, 利亚Rotenbakh, 和麦肯齐·施密特.


“The outstanding student award winners are devoted to learning for their patients,Sarah Lerchenfeldt说, Ph.D., 助理教授, 基础医学研究系, 并担任学生奖励委员会主席.

“They have not only excelled academically but also exhibit many of the attributes expressed in OUWB’s 使命、愿景和价值观, including a commitment to building a diverse and inclusive environment, 推进研究, 致力于社区参与,她补充道。.

优秀学生奖始于2012年的课程奖励. 类似于目前的职员奖励, M1和M2课程各授予一名学生一个奖项.

In 2014, it was decided to collapse the M1 and M2 course awards into the 杰出的 学生 Awards for the M1 and M2 classes. It was determined three students in each class would be selected by the 15-member committee.

Lerchenfeldt said outstanding students must excel academically and exhibit the attributes expressed in OUWB’s mission, 愿景, 和价值观, 包括同情, 协作, 团队合作, 专业, 对卓越的追求.


Cummings said the recognition “prompted me to reflect on how thankful I am to be a part of the OUWB community.”

“这所学校的领导, 教师和辅助人员绝对是不可思议的, 同时也提供了大量的机会和资源, OUWB的教育经历真的很特别,”她说。.

“I have no doubt that OUWB is setting every single medical student up for success, 我很荣幸能成为这个项目的一部分.”

Bachand said she “was incredibly surprised and honored to receive this recognition.”

“我的同龄人都很成功,每个人都很努力, so it was an honor to have even been considered for this award alongside them,”她说。.

Schmidt she felt “very humbled and honored to receive this recognition.”

“I want to give a big thank you to everyone who has been a part of my life for encouraging and inspiring me to be better every day,”她说。. “Being a part of the OUWB community is an honor and I am so grateful to be surrounded by such amazing people.”


像大多数OUWB医学院的学生一样, preparing to be a doctor is a process that extends beyond the classroom for those recognized for being “outstanding.”

穆勒, 例如, 辅导一个三年级的学生英语, 辅导过本科生MCAT吗, 并自愿参加, 在其他地方, 送餐上门, 密歇根人道, 希望暖化中心. She said she is “very passionate” about community engagement and service — and that OUWB delivers plenty of opportunity for both.

“我参加的所有学生组织, 我参与的服务机会, 以及我正在做的研究, 都是我个人感兴趣的项目吗,穆勒说。. “I am so grateful to be able to pursue my own interests while helping our community.”

穆勒 also has volunteered at the student-run gynecology and family medicine clinics held at the Gary Burnstein 社区 Clinic in Pontiac.

在她的第1年和第2年担任诊所的联合主任, Loh, 太, 在伯恩斯坦待了很长时间. 她在那里的时候, 她帮助建立了一个新的皮肤科诊所, 妇科诊所, 社区花园, 以及与三一社区护理中心的诊所合作.


“I love being involved in the clinic because we are involved at every step of a patient’s care from the moment they walk in,”她说。.

Loh还曾担任OUWB美国医学协会分会的宣传主席, 与Q一起开展了跨性别健康教育周&A和AMWA, and spearheaded several letter-writing campaigns for students to advocate for expanding postpartum Medicaid coverage and medication-assisted treatment programs. 陆恭蕙还参与了家庭医学兴趣小组.

Cummings engages with several organizations: the Bike and Run Collective, 生活方式医学兴趣小组, Wilderness Medical Society; and the Oncology Interest Group.

进一步, she serves as a clinic coordinator for an OUWB student-run free clinic in Shelby Township that holds monthly gynecological clinics for uninsured/underinsured patients in the community. 卡明斯也是2025届毕业生宣誓委员会的成员, 以及解剖纪念仪式策划委员会. 她还在当地一家免费产前诊所做志愿者.

Schmidt served as vice president for OUWB’s Medical 学生 Government (MSG); the national delegate for the American Medical Association OUWB chapter, president of the Family Medicine Interest Group and the community service chair for the Neurology Interest Group. 她还担任西班牙裔新移民外展计划的导师, 作为导师和招生大使, and helped start a 社区花园 at the Gary Burnstein Clinic in Pontiac.

同样,巴尚德在整个社区做志愿者. 其中一些地方是鲍德温中心, 拾荒者社区食品银行, and is a participant in the Care for the Elderly program in which she serves as a “phone-pal” to a local senior citizen.

进一步, 巴尚参与了耳鼻喉科利益集团, 内科兴趣小组, as well as served as representative on the M1/M2 Curriculum Subcommittee and as an anatomy peer tutor.

“OUWB provides an environment for students to be successful in any avenue that they are passionate about,她说。. “无论是通过无数的志愿者机会, 参与研究的资源, 或是渴望指导学生的教师, OUWB does everything it can to make sure each one of its students is best prepared for success.”


As president of OUWB’s AMA and director of 社区 Service for the MSMS Medical 学生 Section, Rotenbakh organized a four-part series to educate medical students in Michigan about racial disparities in maternal and infant mortality and then provided opportunities for students to engage in advocacy and community service opportunities to make an impact.

She also served as co-president of the Jewish Medical 学生 Association, 并参与了其他组织, 包括无国界医生组织, 庇护倡议, 循证医学学生组织, and as a member of the national Trainees for Child Injury Prevention Program in partnership with the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“世行一直非常支持我的努力,”她说. “The faculty advisors for all the student organizations I have been a part of have been supportive, 足智多谋, and committed to the success of our organizations and student endeavors. 他们总是提供有益的建议和专业知识.”
