A group of people in traditional 1960's clothing sitting on a couch






Student dress through the decades brings history to life


While the clock of life unremittingly ticks each decade into being with precision, what’s been lost — and what’s been gained — is not always apparent at the dawning of each new era.

“每过十年,我们就需要一段时间, 在集体意义上, 看到[社会]转变, 随着时间的推移,我们确实意识到了更多,艾琳·德怀尔说, 历史副教授, whose area of focus is the 19th century; she also has a special interest and expertise in material culture.

而政治上的重大转变, 科学, technology and cultural and social norms are often robustly discussed between the decades, 总有一种沉默, up-close-and-personal Visual to reflect societal change: what we wear.


To highlight how America’s changing fashion sense touched OU’s campus, Dwyer examines on-campus photos of OU students over the past 60 years. 她用有趣的事实说明她对时代的见解, creating an interesting snapshot of where we’ve been — and where we are now.

The ’60s: The long (skirt) goodbye — and who wears the pants now? 每一个人!

The ’60s began with formality, and OU students refl ected that. 这些女人是优雅的化身, with their short bobs and perfectly put together pearl button sweaters and pencil skirts. “他们有那种玛米·艾森豪威尔式的俯视, 哇,这么努力, 太正式[在课堂上],德怀尔说。.

他也不甘示弱. Rogers sweaters for the guys, with short hair gelled to perfection.

However formal the ’60s began, America’s youth culture continued to gain momentum. Students born after WWII began to separate from the opinions and ideas of their parents. For the ladies, their fashion sense led them to the wearing of mini skirts and pants. Pop culture was increasingly brought into the mainstream, 年轻人模仿披头士的服装风格, and cat eye (popularized by Marilyn Monroe) and Buddy Holly eyeglasses became the rage.

“Women wearing pants was empowering, as it brought continuity between the sexes. It was a fashion change that stuck and was present in the ’70s and on, 所以这是非常重要的,德怀尔说.“Al虽然 the most significant change in fashion definitely occurred from 1959-69, 它已经酝酿了一段时间,德怀尔说。. 二战期间, 当男人都去打仗的时候, women had worked in factories to support their families. On-the-job, many donned men’s work trousers and that became freeing for them. The war’s fabric rations that brought about tight pencil skirts (and other constrictive clothing) began to make them feel “bound,,这引发了对自由流动的强烈反对, 50年代宽松的裙子. The wearing of pants by women — something practical and comfortable and identical to men — burst forth, 全额, 到60年代末.


Free-spirited youth, exemplified by Woodstock in 1969, began to surface on college campuses.

“Al虽然 we don’t see dramatic hippie-long hair on the guys at OU, we do see their hair falling onto the nape of their neck, 我们知道这让很多父亲抓狂,德怀尔笑着说。.

70年代开始的时候,人们对头发“什么都不做”. “Then we see that natural turning into blown-out hair and the Farrah Fawcett look,” she says.

对于男生来说, the ’50s and ’60s Motown suit formality had been replaced by denim, 穿着衬衫, 喇叭裤和爆炸头.


This was a decade that introduced athleisure wear in the form of relaxed and high-waisted jeans, 膨胀的裤子, 打底裤和超短裤(男女皆适用). Blown-out hair was the trend; it was permed or feathered (Princess Diana style) for the ladies and guys were showing a bit more facial hair.



The ’90s was a mishmash of styles including hoodies, “Grunge” and baggie pants. 在校园, 虽然, “主要是GAP服装,德怀尔说。, with a lot of light-blue relaxed or fitted jeans and t-shirts.


运动服和运动衫需求量很大. Dwyer says that graphic tees were plentiful due to the increase in logo licensing. Bell bottoms made a comeback, in the name of boot cut jeans. 飞行员夹克出现了,让人想起了50年代. 短裤变长了,连帽衫仍然很流行.


“Some of the professors did not take to the student attire in the 2010s. I remember hearing, ‘Do they really need to wear PJ pants and UGGs to class?’”德怀尔笑着说. Yes, athleisure had fully arrived, but it didn’t stay for long. Sweats and yoga pants still make appearances on campus, but it would be rare to find a student in pajama pants.”


“What will they be saying about our 2020 fashion, 20, 30, 50 years from now?德怀尔沉思着,她相信自己知道答案.


“他们会谈论我们的面具,德怀尔说。, who kindly sewed 200 fabric masks to pass out to those needing one during the earliest days of COVID, 当时口罩供不应求.

As OU students have acclimated to alternating between class on-campus and through virtual technology, 德怀尔在讽刺中找到幽默.

“I had one student on campus for one of my classes one semester, but it wasn’t until she was on Zoom in another semester that I was able to actually see her from the neck up,她笑着说, “所以在某些方面, 虚拟已经变得更加个人化.”

Dwyer has been able to find some positives with the masks.

“There may be a tendency to think of fashion as frivolous or superficial,德怀尔说, “但我们透露了太多, 就我个人而言, 我们的穿着. 我们戴的面具也是如此. One student came to class with a Detroit Lions mask, so we talked about how he was a fan. Others have worn rainbows on their masks or other things that convey their feelings or views.”

When OU gave out Grizzly masks to students, it reminded Dwyer of past times.

“It’s reminiscent of all the licensing of the 2000s,” she says. “That’s become a big thing during COVID — all the logos on masks.”

尽管这几十年来有各种趋势, Dwyer sums up the fashion equalizer that’s here to stay, in a simple but refreshing way: “We’ve found what works, 为了我们所有人, 穿着一条牛仔裤和一件t恤. 的连续性. 我们都很享受这种舒适.”

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