

韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院(SECS), 大于3,在校本科生和研究生约1000人, features an outst和ing 教师 dedicated to preparing learners for the 21st-century workplace 和 society as well as for 研究 in their fields of specialization. The school offers close student/教师 interaction, small classes 和 individualized attention.

以解决执业计算机科学家和工程师的需求, the SECS recently developed several opportunities for 专业及持续教育. These exciting new programs are perfect for those interested in developing 和 refining their professional skills, 并在当今竞争激烈的市场中提供至关重要的优势. 

Louay米. Chamra头像

欢迎来到工程与计算机科学学院! I invite you to explore our website to learn more about our academic programs 和 our on-going engineering 和 computer science 研究 at 韦德体育app官网. The 工程与计算机科学学院 will always strive for excellence 和 innovation – in teaching, 研究, 以及对专业的服务, 社区, 整个社会.

我们的目标是为我们的学生提供, 教师, 和 staff with the best educational 和 working experience in a highly supportive, 然而,刺激, 环境. Our 教师 provide the highest quality of education which is enhanced by cutting edge 研究 sponsored by federal agencies 和 industrial partners. 除了, the 工程与计算机科学学院 will continue to be actively involved in outreach 和 economic development initiatives.

Prospective undergraduate students should contact the Engineering Advising Office at (248) 370-2201 or (电子邮件保护). Prospective MS students should contact the appropriate Department Office, while prospective Ph.D c和idates should contact the Associate Dean's Office at (248) 370-2233 or (电子邮件保护).


Louay米. Chamra, Ph值.D.院长
(248) 370-2217

The 咨询委员会 for the 工程与计算机科学学院 is composed of leaders in industry. They assist the school in developing educational 和 研究 programs to meet the rapidly exp和ing requirements in the technical world. The board is available as a body or individually for consultation on such matters as curriculum, 研究, 设施, 设备需求, 专题和长期规划.


咨询委员会主席: 其中迈克尔到, 退休高级副总裁, 通用动力与土地系统, 工程设计与土地开发

咨询委员会副主席: 鲍勃·李, Retired Vice President 和 Head of Engine Powertrain 和 Electrified Propulsion 系统工程, Stellantis


  • Gahl, Berkooz博士.D.Capgemini Invent,北美汽车数字人工智能主管
  • Glenn Denomme,退休顾问, Stellantis
  • Paul Fleck, datasspeed创始人兼首席执行官
  • 塞德里克·弗劳尔斯,DTE天然气公司副总裁
  • 阿莱西亚·加布里埃尔博士.D., 汽车城STEAM基金会联合创始人 & 实验室抽屉
  • 格兰特R. 台北Ph值.D.,退休高级研究科学家,TARDEC
  • Maurcio hernd和ez - distance博士.D., Head of High-Performance Computers #SWX - Global Engineering Director, Stellantis
  • Fred Killeen, Retired Chief 技术办公室r, General Motors LLC, 信息技术
  • 约瑟夫·长全球标准化价值工程执行董事 & 程序 管理, 它使
  • 罗恩一. May, DTE能源公司退休执行副总裁
  • Robert Richard, Senior Vice President, Major Enterprise Projects, DTE Energy, Energy Distribution 
  • 乔治·赛卡利斯博士.D., Senior Vice President 和 General Manager, 研究 和 Development, Hitachi America, Ltd.
  • 克里斯汀Siemen, 可持续工作空间副总裁兼首席可持续发展官, 通用汽车公司
  • Tamara Snow, Head of 研究 和 Advanced Engineering, Continental Technologies
  • Dave Schubring, SiteRx全球信息技术总监
  • Diana Wagner, SWX软件车辆项目管理, Stellantis
  • Louay Chamra博士.D.现任韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院院长
  • 邹茜(Beth)博士.D., Associate Dean, 工程与计算机科学学院, 韦德体育app官网
  • Osamah Rawashdeh博士.D., 椅子, Electrical 和 Computer 韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院
  • Vijitashwa P和ey, Ph.D.,椅子,工业 & Systems 韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院
  • 丹尼尔·阿洛伊博士.D.,研究主任, 工程学院 & 韦德体育app官网计算机科学专业
  • 安东尼·伯克,工程学院慈善主任 & 韦德体育app官网计算机科学专业
  • 克里斯·科布斯博士.D., 机械工程教授,SECS外联主任, 工程与计算机科学学院, 韦德体育app官网
  • 凯利·福斯基,工程学院职业与生活设计主任 & 韦德体育app官网计算机科学专业
  • 华明博士.D.,计算机科学系临时主席 & 韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院
  • 王霞博士.D., 临时的椅子, Mechanical 韦德体育app官网工程与计算机科学学院
  • Shailesh Lal博士.D., 椅子, 生物工程, 工程与计算机科学学院, 韦德体育app官网
  • 安东尼·加里纳,工程学院企业关系主任 & 韦德体育app官网计算机科学专业

The 工程与计算机科学学院 (SECS) offers instruction leading to degrees at the bachelor's, 硕士和博士学位. The programs are offered through five departments: 计算机科学与工程, 电气与计算机工程, 工业与系统工程, 机械工程, 和生物工程.

美国证券交易委员会的, 大约3个,本科生和研究生477人, features an outst和ing 教师 dedicated to preparing learners for the 21st-century workplace 和 society as well as for 研究 in their fields of specialization. The school offers close student/教师 interaction, small classes 和 individualized attention.

The overall mission of the 工程与计算机科学学院 is threefold:
  • To provide high-quality undergraduate 和 graduate programs of instruction in engineering 和 computer science to prepare graduates for careers in the coming decades,
  • To advance knowledge through basic 和 applied 研究 in relevant branches of engineering 和 computer science, 和
  • To provide service to both the engineering profession 和 public of the State of Michigan.

In carrying out its mission the school will address the needs of the automotive 和 related industries in southeast Michigan for the:

  • 工程师和计算机科学家的教育,
  • 发展研究项目和
  • 满足专业服务需求.

Due to the proximity of 韦德体育app官网 to the large number of automotive related manufacturing companies in southeastern Michigan, the 研究 interests of the 教师 include a strong component of applied 研究. 本研究强调产品设计, 支持大型和小型公司的开发和制造. 除了, the 教师 are engaged in 研究 projects in a wide variety of scholarly areas of engineering 和 computer science.

The 教师 of the 工程与计算机科学学院 has a distinguished record of 研究 和 scholarship 和 one of the aims of this web site is to highlight their expertise so that it may be easily accessed by industry, 政府及其他机构.

工程中心于2014年8月向学生开放. 作为工程与计算机科学学院的所在地, 这127,000-square-foot facility features state-of-the-art classrooms 和 研究 space. The building serves as the heart of the 工程与计算机科学 社区 at 韦德体育app官网.

The mission of 韦德体育app官网’s 工程与计算机科学学院 is supported through the generosity of alumni 和 朋友.  The donation received through this unique naming opportunity will be used by the 工程与计算机科学学院 to support activities 和 events that serve students, 教师, staff 和 the public; 和, 提高工程建筑的功能或维修保养.

这个命名的机会受到个人的欢迎, 夫妻, 家庭, 的同事, 朋友, 组织, 基金会, 和企业. 请联系 Anthonie伯克, Director of Philanthropy, with questions about how to name the engineering building.

